What are your next plans?
Ready to Travel Soon? The pandemic has altered many things from how we knew them.
Have you been missing the old days lately?
From the normal work or school environment to the way we deal with stress and enjoy our life, there are many transformations that we have to embrace.
It led us to new realizations that will enable us to survive and
adapt to these changes.
This so-called new normal is what we had been anticipating as it will be part of our daily lives.
How are you coping so far?
Are you ready to face the effects of quarantine measures?
As travel lovers, we felt bad when the quarantine began but we also understood why we have to undergo these countermeasures when lives are at stake, we are willing to sacrifice even the things that make us happy.
We have to sacrifice many of the things that we enjoy and often find ourselves contemplating about the current event, what caused it, and how to prevent it from happening again in the future.
Let’s look forward to our next adventure!
The good thing is that as we all have something to hold on to.
Just like the myth of Pandora’s Box,
despite the bad things, we can always find hope.
As Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray, told us, “see situations with a silver lining”.
We need to see the good that is disguised during these unfavorable situations.
This pandemic will surely end since nothing in this world is permanent.
Soon we will accept the new normal so we can prevent another surge of a disease.
We all have this hope that things will change soon and what the world has been through is just a phase of learning and realization.
Just like us, we know that you are excited too to claim your life back,
do the things you love to do, and explore the places you want to visit.
Are you imagining the next adventure that you had been planning since 2019?
Are you anticipating the next getaway with people that matters most to you?
We can feel you! As travel enthusiasts, the past months had been lonely for us.
Travel is the way we explore more of life and the way we relax our mind and spirit.
We learned a lot recently…
To face the new normal, we understand that we should prioritize safety now, more than ever.
The quarantine begins to ease and for sure you are aware of the safety measures that we should maintain.
Masks, face shields, and antiseptic agents are now part of your bags and pockets,
isn’t it? We became more conscious and reflective of sanitation and protection these past months.
Safety and cleanliness have always been our priority wherever we go, and whatever we do. Now, we have been stricter in observing sanitation and protection more than ever.
As frequent travelers, we always make sure that we have all that we need especially life-saving stuff. We are aware of the challenges that we could encounter along that way.
Because of this pandemic, we have included some new items in our “to bring list” that is meant for sanitation and protection.
We know that you have these things ready too. We call ours as the “new normal kits” which includes a face mask and an organic sanitizer.
We have new considerations…
Despite the possibility that travel and tours will soon be opened in different parts of the Philippines, we understand that many people will still be afraid of going out and achieving their travel goals.
We understand that you need to feel safe while you are enjoying the new adventures. We keep our “new normal kits” for everyone who will travel and reach new zones with us.
Your safety will always be our priority.
Now, it’s more than ever.
With this “new normal kit”, you will be always reminded of the importance of safety and sanitation while visiting various Philippine destinations and ensuring compliance with the new normal rules.
This new normal kit includes Canvass-String Bag and Innabel Face Mask from the North, and Organic Sanitizer from our Cordilleran folks.
Aside from the importance of this kit, we could help the local economy too –
these are locally-made.
Travel the BerBan way once again!
Let us visit amazing destinations in the Philippines while feeling confident that you will be safe from viral and bacterial infection with our New Normal kit.
Be ready to explore the wonders of nature and distance yourself from the stress at work and the anxiety that the pandemic bought.
Does it sound great?
While social distancing is a measure that we should carefully observe anywhere we go, we would like to ensure that we follow all the safety protocols of the new normal.
From transportation to the tourist sites, we make sure that you are guided and reminded of the safety measures that should be followed.
We want you to enjoy your travel to its fullest
as much as we do!
Come and let’s have a fun and memorable adventure
from one Philippine destination to the next.
Jim and Chrisse

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Our Practical Guide
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